Titus Corlatean: EU wants to have reliable partners in Chisinau

The European Union, including Romania, will not remain indifferent to the results of the parliamentary elections that will take place in Moldova on November 30 as it wants to have reliable partners in Chisinau and to be able to continue providing financing, Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean said in an interview for the public TV channel “Moldova 1”, IPN reports.

“We cannot remain indifferent to what will happen after November 30. The European Union already invested millions of euros in different projects. It invested a lot and is ready to continue, but it needs reliable partners in Chisinau,” said the Romanian official.

According to Titus Corlatean, Romania can serve as an example of attractiveness for the Moldovans who are undecided as to the European course. Romania has changed considerably after it joined the EU and has access to the EU funds. This means that Romania develops. The citizens have the right to choose a better life, regardless of the language they speak,” he stated.

He noted that Moldova has made enormous progress on the path to European integration over the last few years. Among its accomplishments are the abolition of the visa regime with the EU, the signing and ratification of the Association Agreement, and the adjustment of the legislation to the European standards. But these things do not yet mean that the European integration process is absolutely irreversible.

“There will be all kinds of temptations and provocations, including on the part of Russia, and the Government of Moldova will have to cope with them. The European integration process in Romania was hard and we were in a different situation – we didn’t have a separatist region and the people unanimously wanted the country to join the EU. We didn’t face such conflicts and didn’t have to deal with them,” said Titus Corlatean.

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