Tiraspol will have new representative at next 1+1 meeting

The political representative of Tiraspol for the Transnistrian conflict settlement Nina Shtanski in the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration Victor Osipov announced that a new Key Negotiator will be named in her place. In the September 10 meeting, it was preliminarily agreed that the next meeting in the 1+1 format, with the new political representative of Tiraspol, will take place in Chisinau on September 25, IPN reports.

According to a communique of the Reintegration Office, the two officials discussed the issue of vehicles with Transnistrian license numbers. There are a number of concerns in this regard both as concerns the problems faced by the owners of such vehicles and the tax evasion and other negative consequences generated by the use of vehicles with Transnistrian license numbers. Victor Osipov insisted on the necessity of restoring the sector working group on transport so as to agree a final solution.

As to the arrest of foreigners who took part in the September 2 events in Tiraspol at the Chisinau International Airport, Victor Osipov said the Moldovan authorities acted in strict compliance with the international law norms and the current legislation and informed the given persons about the reasons for the taken measures. In this connection, he raised again the issue of free movement of the Moldovan citizens in Transnistria, including of Moldovan state officials.

The political representatives agreed that the specialist working groups will be convened soon to examine a series of problems related to transport fares, freight transportation logistics and other issues.

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