Tiraspol has returned the borrowed gas

Tiraspoltransgaz has returned three million cubic meters of natural gas, borrowed from Moldovagaz. The acting president of Moldovagaz, Vadim Ceban, Vadim Ceban, informs IPN.

According to Ceban, the amount of three million cubic meters of gas was returned on February 26-28, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the loan agreement.

At the end of January, the Chisinau government announced that it was lending Tiraspol three million cubic meters of natural gas in order to keep the gas system on the left bank of the Dniester river functioning. According to the contract signed by Moldovagaz and Tiraspoltransgaz, the amount was to be returned or paid back by March 1.

Since February 14, MET Gas and Energy Marketing AG has been delivering natural gas for the Transnistrian region up to the border with Moldova. From here, Moldovagaz supplies gas to the left bank, up to 3 million cubic meters per day. Transit costs are paid by Tiraspoltransgaz in advance.

The solution was found after the left bank of the Dniester turned down the European Union's offer of €60 million to overcome the energy crisis. Tiraspol leader Vadim Krasnoselski announced that the Transnistrian region would pay for the gas from a Russian loan.

In the meantime, utility tariffs in the Transnistrian region will rise from March 1.

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