Tiraspol announces 53% rise in foreign trade in first half of 2018

The Transnistrian region’s exports in the first half of this year rose by 70% to US$ 351 million compared with the corresponding period last year. Imports rose by 44% to US$ 617 million. This way the balance of trade remains negative, at - US$267 million, as opposed to - US$220 million last year. Even so, the 53% rise in foreign trade shows that the economic situation is stable, IPN reports, with reference to the local press.

According to the Transnistrian customs, the Russian Federation, the right side of the Nistru River, Ukraine, Germany, and Italy remain the region’s main commercial partners. Trade also grew with Poland, Romania, and China. Russia accounts for 40% of the turnover, but imports prevail in the commercial relations with this state. Exports to Russia represented 7% of the external sales.

The largest exports in the period went to the right bank of the Nistru (46%), Romania (17%), Italy (8%), Ukraine (8%), Germany (6%), Russia (7%), Slovakia (2%) and Serbia (1%). Some 37% of the Transnistrian region’s exports were intended for the EU and only 7% for the member states of the Customs Union. At the same time, imports from the Customs Union represented 63% of the total imports, while from the European Union – 18%.

The exports of metal and metal products in January – June this year rose 2.5 time. The sales of mineral, chemical and energy products and of clothes and foodstuff also increased. Simultaneously, the exports of mechanical engineering products, clothing and textiles decreased slightly.

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