Tickets to summer camps to increase in price by no more than 20% than last year

The highest price of a ticket to children’s summer camps this year will be by no more than 20% higher than in 2018, with a day’s cost set at 196.74 lei under a Government decision adopted today. 
The National Social Insurance Company (CNAS) will be in charge of organizing the rest and recovery of the children's health. The tickets purchased will be distributed to the National Confederation of Trade Unions, which, in turn, through the local trade union centers, will distribute the tickets among primary trade unions and economic units.
Apart from the tickets provided by CNAS, the public administration authorities are recommended to provide 25% of the tickets for free to children in vulnerable groups. Free tickets will also be awarded to children with outstanding academic performance. Local authorities are advised to sell the rest of the tickets at 20% of their cost.
The Ministry of Culture will cover expenses for 100 Romanian pupils to spend some time in Moldovan summer camps and visit tourist attractions. Some 300 tickets will be bought for pupils from Romanian-medium schools located in the Transnistrian region. About 100 tickets will go to children from Ukraine’s eastern regions and 50 tickets to pupils studying in Romanian-medium schools in Ukraine. 

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