The list of information subject to security classification as state secret is larger than it should be in a democracy, Transparency International-Moldova (TI-M) says. The organization suggests the draft should be reexamined with a view to obtaining a balanced classification of the information considered to be state secret, Info-Prim Neo reports. TI-M expert Efim Obreja told a news conference on Tuesday, September 23, that the draft Law on State Secret should provide safeguards which would ensure a proper balance between the freedom to obtain or disseminate information and the need for restrictions to guarantee the national security and territorial integrity. According to Obreja, the excessive classification of information could increase the costs incurred by the government in protecting state secrets and, at the same time, is an unjustifiable limitation of the right to access information of public importance, it facilitates corruption and undermines the trust of the general public in governmental bodies. Transparency International-Moldova also suggests limiting the duration of security classification. They consider that the information classified as “top secret” should lose its status in 15 years, “secret” in 10 years, and “confidential” in 5 years. TI-M thinks it is necessary to remove from the draft the provisions related to the destruction of the information after its classified status is no longer valid. Transparency International-Moldova reviewed the draft Law on State Secret in association with the Acces-Info Center.