Three young men stab and rob taxi driver

The police arrested two men aged 18 and another one of 19 on suspicion that they attacked a taxi driver and stole about 800 lei from him, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Chisinau General Police Commissariat, the incident happened in Braila village of Chisinau municipality on November 17 close to midnight. Two of the suspects study at a college in Chisinau. The young men confessed that the attack on the taxi driver was planned beforehand. They purchased a card for a mobile phone, phoned a taxi company and then threw the card. When the taxi driver arrived, two of the suspects got onto the car – one on the front seat, while the other one on a back seat. The man from the front seat threatened the driver with a knife and took his money. The victim put up resistance and received several stabs in the hands. The third suspect waited for his mates in a car. Afterward, all the three went away by that car. The young men face 6 to 10 years in jail for robbery. According to the statistics of the General Police Commissariat, 38 robberies have been recorded in the municipality of Chisinau during the first ten months of this year. Thirty-six cases over them have been sent to court.

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