The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) has warned publicly the TV channels “NTV Moldova” and “Accent TV” for not obeying the Broadcasting Code’s provisions in the main news bulletins aired during the election period, IPN reports.
“NTV Moldova” broadcast the news items entitled “Attack on the Church” and “Sandu – hope of Syrian migrants” with multiple deviations from the normative standards: misinformation, presentation of opinions as deeds, propagation of one viewpoint on controversial and conflict issues and others, inciting thus hatred on ethnic and religious grounds.
“Accent TV” broadcast the statements of three Syrian students who study in Moldova, misinforming by presenting rumors as proven facts. By disseminating this information, the TV channels suggested and promoted the idea that the Syrian and Arab refugees are violent and represent an imminent threat to Moldova, causing thus situations of phobia and intolerance in society towards the given communities.
The BCC also warned publicly “Orhei TV” channel for deviating from the broadcasting legislation by not ensuring the volume of informative-analytical materials in the official language, broadcasting hidden publicity and teleshopping, not ensuring visual and sound warnings when broadcasting action films, etc.
In the February 10 meeting, the Council also extended the broadcast licenses of the TV channels “Accent TV”, “BIZIM DALGAMIZ” and “ENI AI” for a period of seven years.