Three social centers inaugurated in Drochia town

Three social centers were opened in Drochia town on December 26, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child. The institutions will provide social assistance services to the residents of Drochia district. The centers have been set up with the Government’s support through the agency of the Social Investment Fund of Moldova and the local public authorities. The day center for elderly people “Drofa” will provide social assistance, medical assistance, personal care services, temporary accommodation and services at home. It also has a social canteen. About 50 solitary pensioners or old persons in difficulty will benefit from the institution’s services daily. The center for children and youth with disabilities “Ciocarlia” will prevent the institutionalization of disabled children and youth by providing services of a high quality at the place of residence and by integrating them into the society. Thirty children will benefit from day services, while ten young persons will be included in the professional orientation process. The counseling center for children and families at risk “Home Warmth” will provide emergency assistance for about 60 families with children in risky situations and will prevent the institutionalization of children by consultancy and psychical correction, legal assistance and private consultation. Five social centers had been inaugurated in Drochia town in 2008. Three of them are located in Drochia town and by one in Pelinia and Ochiul Alb villages.

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