Three persons suspected of involvement in scheme related to Romanian papers

Legal entities and private individuals, notaries and other intermediaries from the Republic of Moldova and Romania are suspected of forming part of a scheme by which Moldovans were helped to obtain different services for  regaining Romanian nationality for sums that varied between €50 and €5,000, IPN reports.

The National Anticorruption Center said that in complicity with persons affiliated to platforms specialized in facilitating the procedures for making documents and scheduling appointment at different public institutions (, or, the members of the scheme could make appointments outside lines and ensure the taking of an oath in the absence of a person or the obtaining of certificates during shorter periods of time.

On March 2, officers of the National Anticorruption Center and prosecutors carried out searches. Three suspects were arrested. These are persons who manage Moldovan companies providing assistance in making different types of documents. Criminal proceedings were instituted against the three over influence peddling and passive corruption.

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