Three persons injured in road accidents

Three persons sustained injuries in traffic accidents in Chisinau on Thursday, November 12. Tudor Capatana, spokesman for the General Police Commissariat, has told Info-Prim Neo that the first accident happened on Miorita St at 8.15. A 62-year-old woman traveling in a trolleybus fell when the vehicle stopped suddenly. The woman needed medical assistance. In half an hour, a Volkswagen-Golf collided with a Scoda-Octavia on Zelinski St. Both of the cars were driven by men aged 23. As a result of the collision, a 19-year-old woman traveling in the Scoda received injuries. An Opel-Astra driven by a 67-year-old man struck a pedestrian aged 82 on Buiucani St at about 10.30. The old man suffered different injuries. Four car accidents occurred in Moldova on November 12. Five persons were injured in them. The 2,623 road accidents that happened this year resulted in 338 deaths and 2,599 persons injured.

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