Three pedestrians hurt on Chisinau roads

Three pedestrians were hospitalised with diverse traumas suffered following accidents on Chisinau roads. Chisinau Traffic Safety Service Inspector Ion Roscovanu told Info-Prim Neo that the three accidents were registered in Rascani district. A motorbike ridden by a young man, 28, on Bogdan Voievod Street, hit a man, 69, causing him an open fracture of the leg bones. A 49-year-old man was hit by a Mercedes-308 minibus, on route 117, on Andrei Doga Street. The man was hospitalised with cerebral concussion. Another 49-year-old man, hit by a VAZ-2108 car, driven by a resident of Criuleni district, 22, on Calea Orheiului Street, was hospitalised with the same diagnosis. The weather conditions as well as careless driving have led to other 23 minor accidents. Over the past 24 hours, the traffic police officers fined 7 drivers for drunk-driving, 15 for speeding, 35 for neglecting traffic lights other 56 for driving unbuckled.

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