Three minibuses involved in traffic accidents in Chisinau

Three minibuses running on routes in Chisinau were involved Monday in road accidents that resulted in seven persons injured. Tudor Capatana, spokesman for the General Police Commissariat, has told Info-Prim Neo that the first accident happened on Grenoble Street at about 8.00. A minibus running on route No. 193 crashed into a VAZ car where there were two police officers aged 26. Consequently, a 69-year-old female passenger of the minibus suffered a cranial-cerebral trauma and fractures of the forearm bones, knee and nasal bones. A 24-year-old female passenger of the same minibus sustained a cranial-cerebral trauma and a cut on the upper lip. The diver of the VAZ received an open fracture of the left forearm bones and cuts on the ears, while the passenger – a cranial-cerebral trauma and a concussion. The second accident occurred in two hours on Ginta Latina St. A minibus running on route No. 113 collided with a 191 minibus. As a result of the impact, a 25-year-old man, a 54-year-old woman and a child aged four received different injuries. A car driven by a 25-year-old man under the influence hit an obstacle on roadside on Calatorilor St. The driver and his two passengers sustained bodily injuries. Four road accidents were reported in Chisinau on Monday, October 12. Eleven persons were hurt in them. The eleven accidents that happened all over Moldova resulted in 19 persons injured.

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