Three fire crews engaged in putting out blaze at Chisinau tractor factory

Three fire crews were engaged last night in putting out a blaze that erupted at the Chisinau-based tractor factory Tracom SA. A spokesperson for the Civil Protection Service told Info-Prim Neo the fire was sparked by welding works at one of the factory's workshop. During the works, a metallic cistern with processed oil caught fire. Containing the blaze was difficult because the fumes emanated in abundance were very toxic. A devastating fire left a woman in Puhoi village, Ialoveni districts, without any belonging and with her home almost destroyed. The apparent cause of the fire was a defective fridge. Until the firefighters arrived, the flames devastated the property, the attic and the roof of the house. 1,289 fires occurred across Moldova from the beginning of the year, killing 120 persons, including 9 children.

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