67% of the Moldovan population considers that things go wrong in Moldova, show the results of the last Public Opinion Barometer (BOP) of June 26 – July 10. The number of people with this opinion has grown by 16% compared to the poll of October, 2008 and by about 9% of the poll made in March, 2009, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The data of the BOP show that this opinion is shared by the urban population, highly educated, aged 18-44 years.
Most of the population is dissatisfied with the government’s work in the main areas of social life, as unemployment (82%), salaries (81%), living standard (80%), agriculture (76%.) The population is unhappy with the government regarding industry (76%), fighting corruption (73%), healthcare (68%), pensions (64%).
Moldova’s economic prospects for the coming year, in the people’s opinion, are even bleaker. About 22% believe that life will be slightly better, as 20% see it unchangeable. The researchers signal out that 26% of the respondents not knowing what to expect from the next year depicts lack of trust in the near future.
The BOP was compiled from June 26 to July 10 on 1,534 people from 115 localities, except for the Transnistrian area. The error margin is 2.5%, and it was compiled by the Public Policies Institute and the Sociological Investigation Center CBS-AXA.