[Info-Prim Neo article from the series “2011: how it was and how it wasn’t”]
{“AEI agreement – one year of government”, in the opinion of Petru Bogatu, political analyst}
The quality of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) is the quality of our political class. There is much amateurism and enough sufficiency in the government coalition’s work, but also not much fear of the voters. Nevertheless, despite the often doubtful political behavior, the result of the AEI governance is mainly positive, political analyst Petru Bogatu stated for Info-Prim Neo.
He said that over the last two years, there had been a multitude of noisy animosities that created the impression of an imminent collapse of the alliance. “But this feeling was false. In reality, the three parties of the alliance were doomed to govern together because they did not have a choice. A possible coalition with the PCRM was for them even a worse solution than the nervous coexistence in the AEI,” said Petru Bogatu.
According to him, the AEI agreement, with all its alleged shortcomings, has nothing to do with the being of the alliance. Its leaders were guided by their own interests, views and limits. “Two things yet had a great impact - the shortage of votes for electing the head of state, and the discrepancy between the goals pursued by the power and the opposition, which did not allow building bridges for dialog and mutually advantageous agreements,” considers the analyst.
Petru Bogatu said the relations inside the AEI and its behavior were dictated by the political conjuncture on the one hand, and by the capacity of the AEI leaders to understand the political realities and react appropriately on the other hand.
Asked if a different form of government rather than the coalition is better for Moldova, Petru Bogatu said another type of government is possible in any country, not only in Moldova. “This may be a one-party government with a monocolor Cabinet. But there is one condition – one party must win a majority of seats in the elections and form the government by itself. When no party has over 50% of the seats, a coalition is inevitable,” stated the analyst.
”Moldova already saw a monocolor government – the eight-year rule by Voronin. It was abuse of power and antidemocratic deviation. After such a repressive regime, the coalition seems a beneficial solution. However, the quality of governance in a democracy resides not in the number of parties in power and not in the form of government, but in the performance of the politicians,” said Petru Bogatu.
On December 30, it will be one year of the signing of the agreement on the formation of AEI II.
[Irina Turcanu, Info-Prim Neo]