There are enough instruments in Constitution for making changes, analyst

MP Mihai Godea’s intention to hold a constitutional referendum for amending the Constitution so that it allows for direct election of the President is absolutely legitimate, but there are enough instruments in the Constitution for liquidating the contradictions that remained in it after the constitutional reform of 2000, political analyst Arcadie Barbarosie, executive director of the Public Policy Institute, has told Info-Prim Neo. He said that it is not enough to decrease the election threshold or modify the procedure for electing the head of state in order to remove the contradictions and follow a truly parliamentary path. “It is much better to discuss the issue in Parliament and to amend a series of articles together with Article 78, including the related legislation, so as to carry out the reform that was started in 2000, but wasn’t finished and that generated a lot of problems over 12 years,” said Arcadie Barbarosie. Political analyst Ion Tabirta stated for Info-Prim Neo that the Democratic Action Party is not an independent party as it does what it is told. He said that the party disseminates the idea of holding early elections instead of other parties and does it by order. “The initiative of a referendum is very good in itself, but Mihai Godea has nothing to do with it,” said Ion Tabirta. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, political analyst Viorel Cibotaru reiterated the position stated earlier in a memorandum signed by members of civil society. According to the memorandum, the changes to the Constitution must be made in Parliament, only after the head of state is voted in. Mihai Godea, who heads the Democratic Action Party, after the meeting of the party’s Political Council on January 21 said that the party intends to initiate a constitutional referendum on the election of the President directly by people, which may take place in autumn.

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