One hundred plot owners benefited of a correction of the errors operated during the land privatization period and received new ownership titles as a result of implementing the land privatization support program (LPSP). Other 100 thousand land owners were offered consultations and were instructed in the domain of land transactions. The results have been announced at the end of the program’s mission in the Republic of Moldova.
The LPSP program is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the American consultancy company DAI (Development Alternatives Inc.). This month LPSP ends its three years activity in Moldova.
The major objectives of LPSP were to correct the errors made during the privatization program period, effectuated in 1997-2000 and to develop the real land market from Moldova.
The head of LPSP, Valery Chodsky, declared that LPSP lefts behind important results in Moldova, because the mistakes from the past had been corrected, fact that will allow the land owners to sell without complications the lands on the real estate market. The quoted source says this will contribute to the development of the real estate market in the agricultural area in Moldova.
During the time of its activity, the LPSP specialists examined nearly 800 thousand properties and identified 120 thousand errors in over 300 villages from Moldova. 200 cadastral specialists from the village mayoralties were instructed in order to identify and to solve the problems regarding the agricultural lands. Due to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, LPSP also organized seminars for the secretaries of the local councils from 760 mayoralties regarding the consolidation of the agricultural lands.