The second batch of flu vaccines has arrived in the country

The second batch of "Vaxigrip Tetra" flu vaccines was received at the National Vaccine Depot within the National Agency for Public Health (ANSP). The lot (50 thousand doses) was purchased from the sources of the National Health Insurance Company (CNAM). The serum will be used for all occupational groups at high risk of illness, mainly for medical workers, IPN reports.

According to an ANSP press release, the vaccine is recommended by WHO for the 2019 - 2020 northern hemisphere season.

The first batch of 50 thousand flu vaccines, procured from CNAM sources, arrived in the Republic of Moldova on November 7th. In the next period 100 thousand doses are expected from donors - US Equity Center for Vaccine, which is a program of "The Task Force for Global Health" / PIVI.


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