Since 1997 until now, the mayoralty of the Chisinau municipality organized celebration of golden weddings for 1,617 couples from the municipality. 14 couples were congratulated on Friday, 28 April, at the Municipal Register’s Office.
The head of Social-Humanitarian and Interethnic Relations Department, Nina Stratulat, reported that according to a recent decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council, the amount of the financial assistance provided by the municipality for celebrating golden weddings raised from 200 to 500 lei. According to her, it is already a tradition that at the end of the month the mayoralty of Chisinau municipality organizes the celebration of golden weddings for couples from the municipality.
At the same time, the mayoralty traditionally celebrates the inhabitants of the Capital who turn 100. Since 1997 and until now, 24 citizens of Chisinau celebrated the centenary anniversary. “The prize” for turning 100, provided by the local public authorities, is of 1,000 lei.