[- What ideals were at the basis of the struggle for independence and what was achieved in the end?]
- It depends who set off. In fact, the call for independence, not sovereignty, was first formulated in the program of the Social Democratic Party of May 13, 1990, while the sovereignty was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic on June 23, 1990. Until summer 1991, no political or civic force expressed ideas related to independence. That’s why I think that the Moldovan political class and the class of Moldovan natives did not have independence on the agenda. It is clear that the other-language speakers spoke about the strengthening of their power over the natives and not about independence.
The political class wanted either union with Romania or Moldova’s conservation within the USSR. The independence fell on the political class from the sky: nobody expected it (except the then Social-Democrats headed by O. Nantoi), nobody wanted it, nobody was prepared for it. The independence was an intruder in Moldova. I’m sure that if Ukraine hadn’t declared its independence on August 25, 1991, the then political leadership of the country wouldn’t have declared Moldova’s independence on August 27 – it needed a day to organize the demonstrations in the Great National Assembly Square.
The results stem from here. The political class in Moldova does not have a conscience of a state, but considers itself a province, either of Romania, Russia or the EU. Our politicians, whatever their color and orientation, don’t have the idea of a state, the feeling of responsibility for the destinies of the people of this state – the Moldovan Romanians (the Bessarabian and Transnistrian ones), - and of its population (the natives plus the other-language speakers).
Now, we do not have a Country, a Homeland or a state, but a geopolitical miscarried of the international situation of the 1989-1993. A miscarried dies, as we die as a nation, demographic group, economy, people; is kept in the incubator to get strength, or survives by himself. All the governments without exception and all the parties without exception made everything possible to destroy the statehood of the natives. That’s why our country is now an easy prey for any group (gang) of swindlers (camouflaged under political colors) that want to conquer this land, this people, its property and lives.
[- The idea of independence launched by the intellectuality enjoyed support among the large sections of the population. How do you think, why now, when Moldova is independent, the people do not have that state of spirit?]
- The idea of independence, I repeat, was not launched by the intellectuality. Our intellectuals launched the idea of sovereignty, according to the example of the Baltic intellectuals. The idea of sovereignty appeared only in the summer of 1991. The idea of sovereignty enjoyed support because our people, believing when our ‘intellectuals’ said that they know how to manage a nation and exclude Russia’s brutal interference and influence. The expectations of the people, including of the non-Moldovan people, were fueled, without reason, by the slogans of the 1989-1993. The people were cheated about the state language, the national education, the national-cultural and spiritual-religious rebirth, the living conditions, the foreign economic relations etc. The same ‘intellectuality’ deceived the people, revealing thus its incompetence and irresponsibility as political class.
With such ‘intellectuals’ or with such a political class, i.e. the ‘elite’ as they like to call themselves, the people, fully removed from power by the usual demagogy of some new or old dignitaries and by democratic electoral technologies, don’t know who to believe, whom to trust their faith and the faith of their children and successors.
[ - How to you think, to what extent is Moldova independent nowadays?]
- Moldova, as all the other states except the US, China and the EU, is not independent. But these countries do not have independent people as they are under the control of the political elites. To guarantee its freedom of internal choice – spiritual, cultural, social, political and economic, Moldova should join one of the existing geopolitical blocks that would have similar principles and religion (Orthodox of course), and not think only of how to survive in the near future, by scarifying the sacrifices of the predecessors and the life of the followers for many generations on.
[ - If you were offered a second chance, what would you change in your past activity so that Moldova was truly independent?]
- I would investigate and propagate the meaning of our existence on this land – as people, as section of nation, as Orthodox people, as people with a responsibility and mission of great importance in this part of the world, in Eurasia.
[ - Your faith after independence is a legality or an exception from the general rules established in the country?]
- It is an exception: I did not roam about for a piece of bread among strangers, leaving my Country and family (instead of remaining at home and fighting against the conquerors that have abused my people since 1990 without interruption); I do not form part of the corrupt, frightened and clever political ‘elite’; I did not take part in stealing my people and I am not the sacrifice of the sacrifice (what material and worldly goods did I have to have them stolen?)
[Info-Prim Neo note:] Viorel Ciubotaru is now the president of a consultancy company.