“The Independence seen in the mirror” - Info-Prim Neo News Agency's interview not accepted by the President of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Voronin. Part I.
- In my opinion, trying to assess the state of things in the country on an occasion as the independence anniversary is much seems to examining one's face in the mirror. You see there especially what you have felt and done till now, including for the country and not only. First about feelings: what is the country of Moldova for President Vladimir Voronin?
- They say your love for the state of the Republic of Moldova is active, combative, according to the principle “who is not with us, is against us.” Would it be a useful, efficient approach for the object of your love?
- And now about facts. For 8 years of 17 years of independence, you have been the President of Moldova – half a term. They say nothing in this country moves without your awareness and this was not said about any of the two predecessors of yours. I won't ask you if it is true or not, what matters is that people think so, I assure you. How important are the responsibilities that you assume or are to assume because of this image that you have and have promoted, perhaps not wanting it. In this context: which are independent Moldova's biggest successes internally and which of them can be associated with the period during which you have been the head of the state?
- Which are independent Moldova's biggest failures, internally, and for which of them you assume responsibility as a head of the state?
- Which are Moldova's real development prospects on short and medium terms to become a country with a comfortable living for its citizens and what kind of Government does it take to do it?
- Strictly economically. Today's superpower, the United States of America, gained their independence in 1776. After a war, too. Joy. Happiness. Hopes of millions of people active socially, politically and economically. But, on a “Black Tuesday”, in 1929 the Great Economic Depression came to the USA. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions , were torn from their roots and impelled to roam by the need to seek for jobs. Thousands died not being able to find that job to feed on. I think it's worth reading, from time to time, the novel “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck to understand what is happening in Moldova now. The author, a Nobel Prize laureate, describes, very convincingly, how the Americans' wrath gathered against the then regime. Every fourth or third Moldovan tore from his home looking for a better living, leaving children, parents, grandparents and went abroad. Are there analogies between these two social states, are there any wrath in Moldova, do you feel it, what can you do about it?
- Still on economy. In an older interview with a country manager of the World Bank to Moldova I posed a question which was not answered. Perhaps you can try? Here is the question: “- If the representatives of institutions as the World Bank were allowed to answer questions based on rumors, how would you comment, for example, the speculations that Moldova's entire economy is under the control of some circles very close politically and familiarly to the country's top leadership?” And there came the answer: “ - The Bank is not the kind of an institution functioning on rumors. That is why, I would refrain from answering this question.” Are the rumors a matter of discussion for the Moldovan President?
- International bodies go on remarking big problems in the work of Moldova's democratic institutions, while the legal frame of the country is generally appreciated rather well. Because of these reasons Moldova has a record-high term of being monitored by the Council of Europe: 13 years from 13 since it's been a CoE member, 13 years of 17 years of independence. If I understand well the checks-and-balances system in a democratic state with separated powers, the Parliament is responsible for making laws, the President, the Government and the Judiciary – for implementing them. Where is the explanation for these discrepancies and what is the perspective of overcoming them?
- Recently, the European Union, through its missions accredited to Chisinau, directly asked to review the Moldovan electoral law in terms of threshold and blocs, so that in the 2009 parliamentary elections all the actors enjoy equal conditions. What is your position in this respect?
- According to appreciations by international bodies, the freedom of media and speech is degrading lately in Moldova. From your previous statements, one can conclude that you do not agree with those appreciations. Your position may not change, that is why, allow me to ask you something else, but still on the media subject. Do you fear the more combative media and journalists? This is in the context of you monthly appearing on a TV station with a certain interlocutor. Do you think you won't better handle a series of hot questions, concomitantly coming from different parts, instead of the cosy ones, asked carefully not to disturb you?
- Ending an interview with a former leader of the country, before your party came to rule, he described my questions as “opposition-like”. Do you think the media have the right to pose “kind” questions to the Government's representatives, no matter what color they may be, don't the media have the per se obligation to keep the Government awake, no matter its color?
- Why did you have to change the name of the Independence Day to the Republic's Day?
- How do you think the people will appreciate the Vladimir Voronin independence period in 10 years after your mandate ends?
[Info-Prim Neo's note:] On 31 July, the Agency asked President Vladimir Voronin for an interview. His Press Service asked us to make a written notification, in its turn. On 4 August, the Presidential Press Service was sent the following message: “Hereby, Info-Prim Neo News Agency kindly asks for your support in obtaining an interview with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Vladimir Voronin on the occasion of the 17th Anniversary of the country's independence. Please find attached the questions for the first part of the interview. In case our request is accepted, we would be interested to word up some 4-5 additional questions regarding Moldova's external relationships and the Transnistrian conflict, which would make the second and the third parts of the interview.”
On 19 August, the Press Service informed us that “the interview was not accepted.”
[Valeriu Vasilică, Info-Prim Neo]