The former Romanian-language high school in Ribnita will be inspected

Education specialists from Chisinau and Tiraspol will visit the premises of the former Romanian-language high school "Evrika" in Ribnita at the end of next week. Upon IPN's request, representatives of the Reintegration Policy Office told IPN that the Evrika High School is currently operating in a rented kindergarten-type building, IPN reports.

Representatives of the Reintegration Policy Office said that at the beginning of the school year, the high school had 203 students and 54 employees, including 26 teachers and 28 auxiliary staff.

The office notes that the problem with the school premises started in 2004, after the abusive measures taken by the Tiraspol forces. The building at 14 Gagarin Street, Gagarin Street, in the city of Ribnita, where the constitutional authorities had invested more than 12 million lei from the budget, was forcibly occupied and its use for educational purposes has been prohibited until now, the source added.

Solving the problem of the Evrika high school premises is one of the conditions imposed by Chisinau on Tiraspol in exchange for gas transit to the Transnistrian region. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has asked Tiraspol to take several actions to demonstrate openness: release of political prisoners, solving the problem of the high school in Ribnita, keeping Moldovan public television in the grid, removing the checkpoints installed in 2022 (33 checkpoints, 11 of which are still active).

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