The church music is meant to complete the prayer and to make it easier penetrate one’s soul and heart. The church choir singing must not disturb one’s state of prayer, but, on the contrary, it must allay, must call a Christian to Christ, says Nona Petrache-Borsevschi, the regent of St. Demetrious Church’s choir from Chisinau.
The texts to be sung are taken from the Psalter, from the Holy Scripture, or were written by the Holy Fathers and composers. As for the music, different approaches are valid, the best being the choice made by the priest with the choir regent, Nona Petrache-Borsevschi says.
There should be at least a cantor. As time passed, composers wrote music for three, four and more voices. If to follow the strict, classic music requirements, a choir should have no less than 6 people. There is no fee one gets for singing in the church, it’s up to the vicar and depends on the churches’ possibilities.
This type of music is sung in church only. Although there are Easter carols, they may not be sung in the church since the Easter service has its own canons. “If the Easter carols sing God’s Resurrection, then the Christmas carols sing His birth,” she explains.
St. Demetrious Church’s choir has just issued its CD with religious music, which is sold only in the church, because, Nona Petrache-Borsevschi says, “it was not made for business, but to allay the Christians’ souls and can be given as a present.”