A three-dimensional coloured cube held in hands along with the slogan “Discover us” might become the brand of the Republic of Moldova. The project was presented on Wednesday, April 26 at the Government’s meeting, by the director of the Moldovan Export Promotion Organization, Veaceslav Sterbet.
According to the project, Moldova is represented by a three-dimensional cube that has many significations. On the other hand it associates with a precious stone, small and unknown as Moldova is. Also, the cube is formed by the intersection of several lines that indicate the crossroad of many cultures. It is composed of three colours, blue stands for business and investments, green – for tourism and red – for agro-business, says Veaceslav Sterbet.
The quoted source says the cube was chosen as a brand for the curiosity it generates to find out what is inside it. The slogan “Discover us” is an impulse in the case of Moldova which is not very well known abroad.
The executive director of MEPO said the brand fashioning process was done in several steps. At first, all the articles published in 2004-2005 about Moldova in the foreign press were studied. As a result of this analysis was ascertained there is little information about Moldova, and the existing one is referring to negative aspects instead of achievements.
The second phase included several interviews in the investment and export target-countries like Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Romania, Poland etc. A conclusion was drawn – many businessmen do not know about the Republic of Moldova. Thus, the ones who know something, mentioned that the human and natural resources, wine industry, textile industry etc. are the most important elements of Moldova. On the grounds of this opinion poll, the were found the forte areas, that must be subsequently promoted and taken into consideration while creating the brand.
The prime-minister Vasile Tarlev appreciated results of the project, but according to him, other proposals have to be accumulated as well. Vasile Tarlev, disposed to accumulate other suggestions until May 1 and then to initiate a pilot-project that will be lunched in several foreign countries.