[Info-Prim Neo story from the Series “Moldova-20! Whereto?” Year 1991]
[Each of the 20 years of Moldova’s Independence has its specific and a role in what has happened and what is yet to happen to this country and its people. Analysts, experts and politicians evaluate for Info-Prim Neo the main events of a certain year and their impact on the country]
[Year 1991 as seen by the first Prime Minister of Moldova, Valeriu Muravschi]
[19 August- 21 August] – The August Putch in Moscow;
[27 August] – Proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Moldova;
[27 August] – The Great National Assembly in Chisinau;
[17 September] – Adoption of the Law on Parties and other political-collective organizations;
[8 December] – The first presidential elections in Moldova. Mircea Snegur becomes President;
[13 December] – Clashes between the Moldovan police and militia of the Transnistrian separatists in Dubasari;
[21 December] – The Declaration of the members of the Community of Independent States in Alma-Ata is approved, stating the definitive dissolution of the USSR;
[25 December] – The Land Code of Moldova is adopted;
[26 December] – The Law on the organization of the executive power and the enforcement of the radical economic reform
The first Prime Minister of independent Moldova, Valeriu Muravschi, said the proclamation of Independence was a historic event, awaited by people since 1812. “The Declaration of Independence opened great opportunities to return to our national values, without which there is no future for the country. It allowed us to start vast political, economic and social reforms, including the instatement of the rule of law and guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of citizens”, declared Valeriu Muravschi.
According to the former Prime Minister, the reform of the political system allowed the return to a multi-party system, which is the basis of a democratic society. The economic reform and the gradual transition to a free economy were possible due to the Declaration of Independence. “These reforms couldn’t be done overnight and governments that succeeded after 1991 had to strive to accomplish these goals. Initially, it was difficult because the political class and society had a conservative mentality, but there were people who wanted a change despite opposition”, said Valeriu Muravschi.
The Independence opened Moldova’s way to change and democratization. “To some extent, we have become others. We laid the basis for the rule of law and democratization of society. Today’s economy, with all its problems, is different from what was before Independence”, the former head of government said.
According to Valeriu Muravschi, people judge reforms and the government according to the standard of living, one of the lowest in Europe. “Our political class failed to show political will in implementing Moldova’s goals over these 20 years. Some made a step forward, other two steps back. After 20 years, Moldova lags behind other countries in terms of standards of living, the functioning of economy, which led to the exodus of hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately, the fight between political parties in Moldova persists and it’s not based on ideologies, but on personal or group interests, with the only goal of coming into power”, said the first Prime Minister of Moldova.
“Perhaps I’m being naive like many people, but I hope some great leaders will appear over the next 20 years, true statesmen. Like Winston Churchill once said: Politicians think about the next elections, statesmen think about the country’s future”, said Valeriu Muravschi.
Valeriu Muravschi was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in Mircea Druc’s Cabinet (1990-1991). Between May 28, 1991 and July 1, 1992, Valeriu Muravschi was Prime Minister of Moldova. In 1999, he founded the National Christian-Democratic Peasants’ Party of Moldova. In 1998, he became a parliamentarian on the ticket of the Bloc for a Democratic and Prosperous Moldova. Until 2001, he was in charge of the commission for budget and finance. On July 31, 1999, he was awarded the Glory of Work order for “long and fruitful activity in state bodies, substantial contribution to the social-economical development of the republic and high professionalism”.
[Dumitrita Ciuvaga, Info-Prim Neo]