Terrorism attempt – older method of not taking exams

Two young women that have several times misinformed the police about the mining of the block No.3 of the State University of Moldova have been detained, Info-Prim Neo reports. The anonymous calls were made on Wednesdays, between 08.30 and 09.30. According to the rules, every time the students and teachers were evacuated from the classrooms and the bomb squad checked the place. The studies were interrupted for 24 hours. On March 26, the police arrested two young women studying at the Foreign Languages Department. One of them was to be expelled for absences and non-passed exams. The other girl, who was making the phone calls, was helping her faculty colleague not to take the exams this way. If found guilty, the girls could be fined 4,000 to 10,000 lei or imprisoned for 6 months to three years.

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