Termoelectrica launches official website and platform intended for consumers

The joint stock company Termoelectrica modernized its website www.termoelectrica.md and launched a new online platform dedicated to consumers - www.consumator.termoelectrica.md. “The company aims to become much more transparent and open to the public by simplifying access to information so that the people enjoy more communication, assistance and interaction instruments, including directly on the website,” says a press release that is quoted by IPN.

“We set the goal of becoming much more open, transparent and accessible. We are a state-run company that provides services of major public interest. That’s why the ensuring of the principle of transparency and efficient communication based on accessibility of information and openness is among the most important objectives in our activity,” said Termoelectrica SA director general Vasile Leu.

Through the new platform, consumers can transmit suggestions, can file applications based on the contact form, can access the divisions Pay online; My account; Contact us, contact data of housing sector managers and information about the works planned to be carried out in the immediate period.

Also, on www.termoelectrica.md and www.consumator.termoelectrica.md, the consumers will find responses to the most frequent questions and information about the modernization of the heating system or about ongoing projects.

“The platform www.consumator.termoelectrica.md brings into focus essential information that is of major interest to the company’s consumers, while the official website www.termoelectrica.md contains information of general public interest,” runs the press release.

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