Termocom's accounts sequestrated again

The accounts of the joint stock company Termocom were again sequestrated, under two court decision. This time, the decisions were taken at the request of creditor CET-2, which later obtained 130 million lei, and Moldova-Gaz, which received 10 million lei and is ready to oblige Termocom to settle its entire debt by court, Info-Prim Neo reports. “I cannot understand why everyone wants the debts to be cleared now, not several moths ago when they managed the company,” said Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca on Monday. “I do not think that such an attitude is right. I recommend the administration of Termocom to negotiate a debt rescheduling timetable with CET-2 and then with the Ministry of Economy and the Government, when the Creditors Council is changed.” According to the commercial director of Termocom Mihai Arusoi, the debt to CET-2 is now 120 million lei. At the same time, the consumers owe 2.5 billion lei to Termocom. 600 million lei of this sum represents the debts of the population.

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