Ten labs will be outfitted with new equipment for accurately detecting disease

Ten laboratories of national public health centers will be outfitted with new medical equipment. According to Carolina Cerniciuc, division head at the Ministry of Health, the equipment is designed for microbiological and sanitary-hygienic laboratories and will be used to monitor the risk factors and to confirm the health emergencies and dangers, IPN reports.

For microbiological labs, there were purchased devices for identifying microbial agents and determining sensibility to antibiotics. There will be also implemented new laboratory diagnosis methods for identifying pathogenic agents of different infectious diseases, such as viral hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, the group of herpetic viruses, and infections of the respiratory organs.

For sanitary-hygienic labs, there were bought chromatographic gases and liquids with different detectors for identifying chemical risks and toxic metals in different environments.

Over 116 million lei was budgeted for equipping the laboratories. The program is implemented in Chisinau, Balti, Edinet, Soroca, Ungheni, Orhei, Hancesti, Causeni, Cahul, and Comrat.

The selected labs are located at a distance of at most two hours by motor vehicles from any point of the served area. Another selection criterion was the number of people in the service provision area, which would enable to ensure the cost – efficiency of lab services.

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