Teenage girl saved from drowning in Chisinau

Update: According to updated reports, the saved person is 18.

A 14-year-old girl was saved from drowning in the morning of February 3. It happened at the same lake in Botanica district of Chisinau, where a similar case occurred last week, IPN reports.

Press officer of the General Inspectorate for Emergencies Daria Nechaeva said the girl tried to cross the lake on the thin ice. When rescuers arrived at the scene, she was at a distance of about 10 meters from the bank.

The girl was taken out of the water and given first aid. She suffered hypothermia and was taken to the hospital.

Four days ago, a 12-year-old boy was close to drowning in the same lake. He was walking near the lake together with a friend of his. At a certain moment, he decided to try the ice and fell into the water. The call to the 112 service was made by his friend. Rescuers rushed to the scene and managed to take the child out, resuscitating him.

Rescuers warn that walking on the ice is dangerous. The people are urged to show prudence near sources of water and to monitor the children.

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