Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the DCFTA Project completed

The project Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the EU - Republic of Moldova Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), launched in 2015, has been completed. On this occasion, Minister of Economy and Deputy PM Octavian Calmic told a press conference that the project had a concrete positive impact on Moldovan economy and the private sector, IPN reports.

The official said that one of the priorities of the project was the harmonization of national legislation with European standards, in fields like market supervision and the protection of consumers. About 3000 EU standards have been adapted, replacing Soviet-era GOST standards. Improving the quality infrastructure by furnishing certification labs has been another goal, for which 40 million have been spent.

“All this, as well as the grants and training offered to over 1600 small and medium businesses, helped us boost exports to the EU, which now account for 62% of our total exports, according to statistics”, said Calmic.

As part of the project, two business incubators have been opened – one in Calarasi and one more recently in Cahul. Other activities include enhancing the Ministry of Economy and its subordinated structures’ capacities, especially in the field of improving the regulations and normative framework for businesses.

Pirkka Tapiola, head of the EU Delegation, noted this was the last event he would attend as EU Ambassador in Moldova. “It’s good to conclude my tenure with a positive message. These and the other results of the project are about improving the life of the people, increasing their level of knowledge and competence”, said the diplomat.

Philip Santens, head of the project, was satisfied by the cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development (ODIMM) and other structures. “I think the best result, when we speak about making the most of the means offered through such projects, is when we focus on programs and not only on policies. Projects like Pare 1+1, the one about youth empowerment and the others implemented by ODIMM prove this. The EU offered 4 million euros directly to ODIMM for a reason, as this is unparalleled in any other country”, explained Santens.

In response to a question from the press, Santens added that Moldovan farmers need to carefully study the tendencies on the EU market if they want to conquer it. “Today, the European market wants berries, yoghurt, aromatic herbs like basil and lavender. Their production must be increased. Apples not so much, because competition on the European market is high and Polish apples are more competitive then the Moldovan ones. If we want to export more Moldovan apples, we should do it two weeks earlier, before the Polish ones are ripen”, said Santens.

The EU offered 2.8 million euros for the project Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the DCFTA.

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