Teaching in six Moldovan universities to be centered on student and active studies

The method of teaching some of the bachelor’s degree programs in six Moldovan universities will be centered on the student and active studies oriented to solving problems. This will be possible owing to the implementation of the Erasmus+ project “Problem-based learning method” (PBLMD). Lecturers involved in this project paid working visits to several university centers abroad to find out more about student-centered learning, IPN reports.

Project coordinator, professor of the University of Aalborg, Denmark, Romeo Turcan said that starting with the summer of 2017, the potential students will be able to apply to the contest to enroll on the bachelor’s degree programs of studies developed within the PBLMD project.

The given programs are those for obtaining the Basehor’s Degree in business administration from the Academy of Economic Education of Moldova, in public administration from the Balti-based State University, in business administration and entrepreneurship from the Cahul-based State University, in law from the State University of Moldova, in medicine from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacology “Nicolae Testemitanu” and in industrial design and IT from the Technical University.

Thus, representatives of the six universities, in cooperation with professors from the EU, review and improve the programs of studies for the future specialists to be better prepared professionally. At these specialties, the studies will be centered on concrete problems to which the students will have to find real solutions.

Mihail Gavriliuc, pro-rector for international relations of the University “Nicolae Testemitanu”, said the project implies a relatively new method of teaching old problems where emphasis is placed on team work, where all the student have the same level of training. “We are preparing the curricula based on which a new learning method will be created. We want to send the best students to study at faculties where this method is used so that they return home and relate it. This method cannot be copied from somewhere. It must be implemented,” he stated.

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