Teaching aids and books for every Moldovan kindergarten

A number of 38 national kindergartens have been this year outfitted with playgrounds, sports grounds and toys. The children of preschool age will also receive teaching aids and books, IPN reports, quoting the Ministry of Education.

Over the last few years, 550 kindergartens and community early education centers received teaching aids. Another 858 institutions will be equipped this year within the Global Partnership for Education Project that is implemented by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the World Bank and UNICEF.

The quality of preschool education in Moldova continues to be increased by providing all the kindergartens of the country with books for children, teaching staff and parents. The books were purchased in accordance with the World Bank procedures. A tender contest was announced on the websites of the Ministry of Education and the World Bank and in the economic journal Logos-Pres SA.

Four local companies bought the contest documents, but only two of them submitted bids - Moldpresa Grup and Prut International. The last one won the contest.

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