TB-infected person may contaminate 15 people in one year

As many as 1,111 cases of progressive TB have been registered in Chisinau in 2006. About 84% are consumptives initially traced, while 551 cases are related to bacillus discharge. According to the head of Preventive Medicine Centre in Chisinau, Iurie Panzaru, tuberculosis is the problem of doctors in a proportion of 10%, in the rest it is a social problem. That is why the local authorities must assume a part of responsibilities for the social health. According to the cited source, if not traced in time, a TB-infected patient may contaminate 15 persons in one year. Responsible for the aggravation of TB epidemiological situation are the socio-economic factors, massive migration of population, the unemployment, social stress, large number of patients who, until 2001, were insufficiently treated due to the lack of anti-tuberculosis preparations, malnutrition etc. The World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated on March 24. This year it will have the topic “Tuberculosis remains a worldwide threat”. Tuberculosis killed 797 people in Moldova last year. 4365 persons fell sick for the first time, while 1106 persons developed TB the second time. In 2006, there were registered 298 new cases of tuberculosis among children under 17.

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