Tax Inspectorate sets combating of illegal passenger transportation as priority

The Main State Tax Inspectorate put the combating of illegal passenger transportation high on its list of priorities, the institution’s head Ion Prisacaru announced in a working meeting that involved heads of subdivisions of the Inspectorate from the country and from Chisinau.

According to a communiqué of the Inspectorate, Ion Prisacaru ordered working out a guidebook for fiscal employees, which would be used to identify illegal passenger transportation activities. The penalties include fines, withdrawal of the license, and confiscation of the unit of transport.

Ion Prisacaru requested creating a working group that, by January 15, would offer legal support for carrying out a wide campaign aimed at combating illegal passenger transportation, with the participation of all the competent state bodies.

In order to discourage the illegal activities in the field, legal proceedings will be instituted against persons who illegally issue licenses not only in the area of passenger transportation, but also in trade.

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