Talks on Free Trade Agreement with EU 'not affected by raider attacks'

MP Valeriu Strelet, the head of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary faction, assured that the recent corporate raider attacks on several banks in Moldova would not affect negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The topic of stocks being seized from some European shareholders reached discussions at higher levels. Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk and other European officials broached the subject, but I really don't think that it will jeopardize negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the EU”, he stated. Valeriu Strelet went on to assure that the Moldovan Government had a professional negotiating team, expressing his firm conviction that Moldova's partners in the EU would “make no big deal out of such a particular case”. “Yes, this case has surely caused trouble, it has affected our business environment, but I really don't think it could disrupt or in any way delay negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement in this context”, said Strelet. Earlier today, Communist MP Grigore Petrenco claimed his party had “clear evidence” that the negotiations on the Agreement would be stopped because of the raider attacks.

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