Talks in 5+2 can be resumed at the start of June

A new round of the Transnistrian conflict settlement talks in the 5+2 format could take place at the beginning of next month, the Special Representative of the German OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the Transnistrian Settlement Process Cord Meier-Klodt Meier-said after a meeting with Transnistrian Chief Negotiator Vitaly Ignatiev, IPN reports.

According to the Transnistrian press, the new round of talks is to take place in Berlin after a hiatus of over a year and a half. Until then the sides will cooperate so as to agree the agenda. Ambassador Meier-Klodt said that the German OSCE Chairmanship wants the meeting to be productive, not to be held only for the sake of the meeting.

Vitaly Ignatiev insists that the agenda of the next round of talks must include the question about the political cases started by the official Chisinau against representatives of the Transnistrian administration.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration and Moldovan Chief Negotiator Gheorghe Balan Gheorghe Balan expressed the constitutional authorities’ readiness to immediately take part in the Transnistrian conflict settlement talks in the 5+2 format, saying that no conditions should be imposed yet.

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