Swine fever outbrake in village in Hâncești district

Nearly 30 pigs from the village Sărata Galbenă, Hâncești district, will be slaughtered and buried over the course of the day, after samples collected from a dead animal showed positive swine fever virus laboratory test results. The information was confirmed for IPN by Maxim Sîrbu, department head within the National Agency for Food Safety.

According to Maxim Sîrbu, the outbreak occurred in a household. The pigs were of different ages. The settlement has already been quarantined, while verification and disinfection filters for transport units must be installed by the end of the day.

Earlier this week, the National Agency for Food Safety said that all restrictions on the last African swine fever outbreak in Comrat had been lifted, after all registered outbreaks were cleared. According to ANSA, since the beginning of the year, there have been 30 outbreaks of fever in Moldova, out of which 26 outbreaks involved pigs kept in domestic households. As a result, 402 pigs and 13 wild boars were killed.

The African swine fever virus is not dangerous to humans, however, it quickly spreads among pigs. If the virus is confirmed, the animals are slaughtered in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

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