Suspects of Durlesti bank robbery arrested

Three men were arrested on suspicion that they committed a bank robbery in Durlesti town of Chisinau municipality on July 27, IPN reports.

Head of the General Police Inspectorate Alexandru Panzari told the press that the robbery was committed at about 3:30pm and the first suspect was arrested in about an hour. The other two men were caught in Cahul district in the evening of the same day.

When searching the suspects, the police found a number of corpus delicti on them, such as balaclavas, gloves, a pistol and foreign currency and Moldovan lei stolen from the bank, to the value of about 300,000 lei.

The young men threatened the cashier with an improvised pistol. They splashed gasoline on the woman, threatening that they will set her on fire if she does not give them money. The cashier managed to push the panic button only after the robbers left. More details will not be provided so as not to influence the investigation, stated Alexandru Panzari.

The suspects are aged between 17 and 24. They face eight to ten years behind bars for robbery.

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