Supporters of mayor-elect prepare for large-scale protest planned for June 24

The supporters of mayor-elect Andrei Nastase decided to suspend the protests against the invalidation of the mayoral elections on Friday and Saturday so as to  prepare for the large-scale protest scheduled for this Sunday, June 24. In a news conference in front of the Chisinau City Hall on June 22, Andrei Nastase and the leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” Maia Sandu made a call for unity, IPN reports.

“If we do not stop them now, dictatorship will be established in our country. If we do not stop now those who are in power, no one will stop them from now on. They can do everything – ban us from leaving the country, separate us from relatives, steal our homes and businesses, jail us and even more. Dear people, we should understand that they are able to do many things. They disregarded our vote, which is the only weapon against them. Plahotniuc does not care about democracy and about the prosperity of the people of this country. He does what he wants,” stated Maia Sandu.  “On Sunday we should bring this mockery to an end. We will not give up. We will protest to stop the dictatorship.”

The leader of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” Andrei Nastase said the struggle against the Plahotniuc-Dodon oligarchic regime that controls Moldova, the capital city and wants to also control the people’s freedom and independence by infringing on the right to freedom will continue on Sunday. “They ignored hundreds of thousands of signatures, rigged and stole our votes, but now did what they never did before – annulled a vote that was freely expressed by the citizens of Chisinau and its suburban settlements, showing to the whole world that they don’t care about democracy, the rule of law, our freedom and independence. We should continue our struggle and should not stop here,” he stated.

The protest will be mounted in front of the Chisinau City Hall starting at 2pm.

After the Court of Chisinau on June 19 decided to not validate the election of Andrei Nastase as mayor, the supporters of the politician protested downtown and in front of the head office of the Democratic Party and of the Chisinau Appeals Court. After the Appeals Court upheld the decision of the ordinary court, the lawyers for Nastase announced they will appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice.

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  • maia sandu despre voturi.mp3
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