Support Group for a democratic Belarus does not recognize the elections in Belarus

Members of the Support Group for a Democratic Belarus in the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova have signed a declaration stating that they do not recognize the elections held in Belarus. The deputies aligned themselves with the position of the European Union and condemned the "discrediting of democratic processes", IPN reports.

According to the signed declaration, "the so-called presidential elections, held in Belarus on January 26, have nothing in common with democratic electoral processes".

The group emphasizes that a genuine electoral process starts with the respect for fundamental human rights, such as the right to opinion, assembly, and political association. All of these have been practically entirely annulled in Belarus, according to international independent reports, as noted by the signatories of the document.

The Parliamentary Group for Supporting a Democratic Belarus was established in 2022, with the goal of reaffirming the commitment to promoting democratic values and protecting fundamental human rights and freedoms.


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