Supervisory Board member intends to go to court over case of Olga Bordeianu

Petru Grozavu, a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova”, who wanted to withdraw the vote he gave to Olga Bordeianu for the post of president of the company, issued a statement saying he will go to court, IPN reports.

“In the meeting, which was held in my absence (even if I asked discussing the case of Bordeianu in an additional meeting), my colleagues from the Board treated this subject unilaterally, neglecting the legal norms and my application of June 18, 2015, by which I announced that I want to withdraw the vote I gave to Olga Bordeianu for the post of president of “Teleradio Moldova” on June 4 and asked annulling the June 4 decision and holding a new contest,”  Petru Grozavu says in his statement.

He notes that there are two reasons for which he did this and both of them are related to falsification of documents. “Firstly, Olga Bordeianu didn’t certify her studies for 2014, which in reality were a two-week course at the New York Film Academy. Secondly, much more serious, Olga Bordeianu didn’t fully meet the conditions of the contest to choose the president of “Teleradio –Moldova” (she didn’t work for more than nine years in the mass media sector, at a time when the regulations demand a period of 10 years,” said Petru Grozavu.

He also said that the file of Olga Bordeianu was examined as the files of the other participants in the contest. Initially, her file didn’t cause suspicion, but it was later established that she didn’t obey her own responsibility statement and misled.

In the June 30 meeting, the Supervisory Board decided that the decision to name Olga Bordeianu as president of “Teleradio –Moldova” cannot be abrogated for the reason that Bordeianu could go to court.

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