Strelet after consultations with businessmen: We look at problems in a similar way

Representatives of the business community, in a meeting with the Prime Minister designate, enumerated a series of system challenges they face in Moldova, noting the necessity of dealing with them as soon as possible so as to encourage the national and foreign investors, IPN reports.

“We had a common approach in this regard and I think that we look at the problems in a similar way. We spoke about the underground economy and the necessity of identifying those who do not pay taxes and create disloyal competition in relation to those who work legally,” Valeriu Strelet stated after the meeting.

He also said that efficient communication will be ensured between the authorities and businessmen through the Economic Council working under the Prime Minister.

Before meeting with businessmen, Valeriu Strelet had consultations with representatives of the Democratic Party, the Liberal Party, employers, trade unions, the academic community, people of culture and civil society.

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