Strategy for reforming public administration approved by executive

The Government endorsed the strategy for reforming the public administration for 2016 – 2020. The document envisions five dimensions of the public administration, namely:  enhancement of administrative responsibility; optimization of the elaboration and coordination of public policies; improvement of public services; modernization of management of public finances, public service and human resources, IPN reports.

Special attention in the implementation of the reform will be devoted to the improvement of the method of providing services by the public administration to people, including such aspects as cost, speed and quality. The number of public services provided in electronic format will be increased, while the authorities will work based on transparent procedures and according to the European standards.

The strategy differs from the previous public administration reformation policies by the fact that it refers not tony to the central public authorities, but also to the local ones. It lays down coordinated monitoring rules, strict deadlines and verifiable indicators and contains objectives set for each reformation direction apart, centering on the creation of public services accessible to all the categories of users.

The strategy will be implemented in two stages: 2016 – 2018, when emphasis will be placed on the reformation of the authorities of the central public administration, and 2019 – 2020, when the focus will be on the local authorities.

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