Strategy for reforming central public administration should be updated, study

The strategy for reforming the central public administration approved at the end of 2005 is outdated and should be replaced by a new document that would clearly define the Government’s steps in this direction, consider authors of the study “Reform of the central public administration in Moldova – assessment of results,” Info-Prim Neo reports. The study was carried out by a group of independent experts and was coordinated by the consultancy company Business Consulting Institute, with financial support from the Good Governance Program of Soros Foundation Moldova. The authors aimed to analyze the way the reform had been implemented between October 2009 and November 2010. There were questioned 283 persons working in 22 of the 29 central public authorities. 85% of the respondents consider that their salary would have been higher if they had worked for private institutions, while over 80% said they would choose another career if they were able to. The experts said the process of delimiting the task of formulating policies from the task of implementing them was completed successfully. The latter task was entrusted to the subordinate public institutions. There was simplified the reporting system and improved the coordination of the budgetary planning process. A number of measures that do not have financial coverage were restricted. ”The analyzed period coincides with the coming to power of the Alliance for European Integration. We can say that the reform of the central public administration continued, but not on the basis of the strategy approved at the end of 2005, but rather on the basis of the government program and other documents approved by the Government. That’s why we consider that a new document is needed, with new reform objectives,” said Veaceslav Bulat, coordinator of the group of experts. The authors of the study recommend adopting a law on the central public administration, ensuring greater transparency in decision making, developing the budgetary planning abilities and dealing with the problem of remuneration of public servants working in the central public administration. Svetlana Robu, of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, said the answers on the basis of which the experts made the recommendations are important as the questioned public servants sincerely expressed their opinions about the results achieved within the reform and the steps that are yet to be taken.

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