The Water Bull that governed the year of birth of ruler Stephan the Great is the sign of the most powerful leaders devoted to the motherland and nation, who inspired respect and admiration in those around, director of the Cosmological Center “Polus Geticus” Tatiana Paladi has told Info-Prim Neo.
According to Tatiana Paladi, Stephan the Great, whose zodiacal sign is the Aries, won practically all the battles fought, being born in the solar sign governed by Mars – the God of War. The Aries represents the individual expression of the ruler. The dynamical-energy component includes impulse, courage, honesty, power, enthusiasm, definitive decisions, wish to assert oneself and many other qualities mentioned in ballads and legends where the people glorified the admired heroes. When an Aries does not control or appropriately direct the Martial energies, he becomes involved in risky adventures, is violent and aggressive.
Tatiana Paladi said that planet Mercury (the symbol of contacts) is situated in the House of Success, which also favored considerably the ruler’s success since youth. Neptune, which is the planet of faith and changes in the spiritual consciousness, imprinted on the ruler the wish to achieve the Christian ideals. Neptune in the Lion predetermined for him chance and access to high social positions and honors.
In cosmology the Great Triangle configuration that consists of three planets situated 120 degrees from each other is considered the most harmonious and beneficial for the Aries. It indicates talent and opportunities, divine protection, happiness and good luck. The person can fully realize the energy potential, being protected by dangers and obstacles with the Cosmic Shield and can any time have unexpected support. There are four such planetary configurations in the Fire signs in the ruler’s astrogram. This points to a very bright destiny.
The 47-year rule of Stephan the Great represented both a period of economic prosperity and a period when the state institutions became stronger. Important results were achieved at foreign level, in the relations with the countries from the immediate neighborhood. The ruler managed to assert himself as a remarkable diplomat and strategist. He paid special attention to the protection of the Church. A number of 44 churches were erected during his rule.
On July 2, it is 507 years of the death of Stephan the Great.