Stela Leucă leaves post at Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Stela Leucă announced her decision to resign as secretary of state of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. In a statement, she said that she looks forward to witnessing the country’s success on its way to joining the European Union, IPN reports.

“We all have worked tirelessly to strengthen Moldova’s strategic partnership with the U.S. and the EU member states, achieve the EU candidate status, prepare the first Enlargement Report contribution on behalf of the Government, organize the Moldova edition of the European Political Community Summit, obtain the EU Council’s decision to open accession negotiations, and other critical work for Moldova’s better tomorrow. All these successes that our team has achieved during this period might have seemed unbelievable a few years ago, but together, we have proven that it is possible,” said Stela Leucă.

“I’m convinced that you will continue to achieve remarkable results. As a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and a dedicated professional, what we have accomplished together will define my new beginnings and guide me to make a positive impact everywhere I go.”

A former World Bank adviser, Stela Leucă was appointed secretary of state at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integrity in December 2022.

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