Statements about Bagirov’s absconding raise questions, investigation commission

MP Alexandru Cimbriciuc, head of the commission for investigating the absconding of Russian blogger Eduard Bagirov, told Info-Prim Neo that the statements of the Border Police Department (in which the Border Guards will be reorganized) raised some questions. The commission will move to the place where it is supposed that Bagirov absconded for further documentation. “If he passed free, it means we have an uncontrolled section. We are curious to see this section, as it’s clear somebody knows about it- our security and intelligence services and other services that are supposed to take care of uncontrolled sections”, said Alexandru Cimbriciuc after the Wednesday’s meeting of the commission. Minister of the Interior Alexei Roibu and Border Guards chief Roman Revenco attended the meeting. “The commission asked some questions to find out more about the circumstances and involvement of these institutions in the blogger’s abscondment”, said the head of the commission. Cimbrinciuc doesn’t rule out that the blogger was helped by someone. The MP promised that when the report will be heard in the Parliament, light will be shed on the incident and the names of those responsible for Bagirov’s abscondment will be revealed. During the hearings on February 29, it was claimed that the Ministry of the Interior wasn’t informed in time to commence surveillance of the blogger after his detention was changed to house arrest. Officials of the Ministry of Justice and of the Security and Intelligence Service will be heard next week. Eduard Bagirov is prosecuted for participating in a criminal group that organized the mass disorders in April 2009 in the center of Chisinau. On October 19, an international prosecution was started after he had violated court’s ruling and broke from house arrest leaving for Russia.
  • alexandru cimbriciuc despre sedinta.mp3
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