The state will support the translation of books of Moldovan authors abroad. Initially, the translation of works of five to six local authors will be supported annually with public funds by covering at least 30% of the total budget of each project. The regulations on the mechanism for financing the translation and publishing of national books abroad with state budget funds were approved by the Cabinet, IPN reports.
As the Ministry of Culture estimated, the costs associated with the translation of a book can amount to 300,000 lei because most of the translations are in French, English and German - markets where production, translation, copyright and promotion are more than costly. A sum of 1 million lei was earmarked in the state budget law for 2024 for translations.
“We need access to the international publishing and distribution market, with everything that this process means, including the promotion of the book,” said Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan. He noted that the financial support for translating and editing national books abroad brings fame to the author, but also contributes to the image of the country.
“The Republic of Moldova needs visibility also from a literary and scientific point of view. But translations of books of national authors will not appear as long as the country they come from will not make sure that these appear,” said the minister.
According to the Ministry of Culture, Spiridon Vangheli is the most translated Moldovan writer. His works were translated into over 40 languages. According to statistical data presented by the National Book Chamber, 27 books signed by national authors have been translated from the Romanian language over the past three years.